You’ve probably heard of acupuncture and maybe you even know someone who has tried it, but other than the fact that it involves needles what do you really know about acupuncture and what its benefits are?
To start, acupuncture is a highly-effective, yet little understood, natural medical treatment. To help you learn more about acupuncture, how acupuncture works and how it can help improve your well-being, we’ve put together this list of five important things to know about acupuncture.
- What is acupuncture?
Believed to have originated in China, acupuncture has helped people heal for centuries. Acupuncture is based around the concept of Qi (pronounced chee). Qi is a vital energy that flows through your body. When in balance, Qi protects the body from illness, pain and fatigue. Acupuncture works to balance the Qi in your body, helping your body to heal itself and boost your health and immune system.
2) How does acupuncture work?
When you begin any acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist will perform an examination to determine where Qi imbalances are in your body and work with you to determine a personalized, holistic treatment plan to heal your body and improve overall well being.
During an acupuncture session your acupuncturist will insert very, very thin needles into your skin at points identified during an initial assessment. These needles are strategically placed to remove any blocks of Qi and help it move through your body.
When they needles are inserted, your practitioner may gently move or twirl the needles, and then leave them in place for 30 – 40 minutes, depending on your treatment.
3) Does acupuncture hurt?
Since there are needles involved you might be worried that acupuncture will hurt. Don’t fear! During your acupuncture treatment there might be a pinch or a slight sting. However, you should not be in pain. If you feel pain, numbness, tingling or continuous discomfort let your acupuncturist know immediately.
4) What are the negative effects of acupuncture?
One important thing to know about acupuncture is that is has a range of benefits and, when practiced by a trained and licensed acupuncturist, very little risk of negative side effects. That’s right, there are none of the typical side effects you would experience from prescription medication.
Unlike many medications prescribed today, which often have side effects warnings that are scarier and more serious than the initial issue, acupuncture carries very little risk. Clean, sterile needles are used and acupuncturists undergo years of training and must complete strict exams to be able to practice, putting you in safe hands!
5) What are the benefits of acupuncture?
There are many benefits to acupuncture. Acupuncture can be used to treat a range of both physical and emotional/psychological ailments. It can also be important for maintaining overall health and wellness to prevent illness, diseases and fatigue induced by day-to-day stressors.
If you are interested in learning more about acupuncture or beginning treatment, get in touch with us!
Lotus Spring Acupuncture and Wellness Inc.