9 natural ways to boost fertility and help you to get pregnant

Infertility brings heartache and stress to many couples who want to build their families.

Infertility issues affect 1 in 8 couples that the National Fertility Association reported.

To conceive a healthy baby without any medication involvement, the mother can try many natural ways to boost fertility to become healthier and increase her chance of getting pregnant. 

Here are 9 natural ways to boost fertility and help you to get pregnant faster.

Balance your blood sugar

Keeping our sugar balance is the KEY to a healthier hormone function. But, first, our blood sugar levels need to be neutral. As a result, a function cell called the eta islet in the pancreas spikes to excrete the hormone insulin. Sometimes, These beta cells overreact, releasing the insulin residue that might harm a woman’s eggs.

On the other hand, low blood sugar might cause your body to produce more stress hormones, damaging progesterone production.

Many good habits help to keep your blood sugar remains steady. Of course, we can always focus on nutrient-dense meals with an ideal mix of protein, fat fiber and reduce stress. In addition, we are prepping our body for a healthy cycle, conception, and using natural ways to boost fertility and eventually lead to pregnancy.

Consume nutrient-rich meal / adjust your diet

Talking about your diet is also natural ways to boost fertility, a study has found that eating a smaller breakfast, and larger dinner improves fertility, changing our eating habits is one of the natural ways to boost fertility. However, skipping breakfast won’t benefit your overall well-being, but a big breakfast can lead to PCOS symptoms and increase insulin and testosterone levels. Our body needs to be balanced. As a result, an exceeding amount of insulin can cause infertility. We are focusing on the best way to help you in your fertility journey.

Eat more micronutrients and organic real food

Proper diet and healthy organic raw materials are fuel for your body. Your body needs to create positive energy, which comes from the nutrient you’ve consumed.

Stress hormones are released when you don’t obtain enough energy from your diet. As a result, mood swings happen, which leads to additional stress and infertility.

It is recommended to consume whole organic food because it reduces contact with endocrine-disrupting chemicals and assures nutritional richness due to a shorter transit time.

Reduce the consumption of alcohol and caffeine

Coffee and alcohol may be a part of your lifestyle. You don’t have to quit this habit altogether. However, limiting your practice and drinking with caution can save you in your pregnancy journey.

Many caffeine and alcohol substances have been proven to contribute to fetus defects when you are on your journey. Also, overconsumption can cause stress your hormone levels to rise. 

However, using both in moderation in your daily lives when you are not pregnant is okay for your hormone health.

Get more sun exposure

Increasing your exposure to sunlight is critical for your fertility and hormone health. Women’s fertility can be boosted by the D3 vitamin, which is obtained naturally from the sun, or by taking supplements if they are deficient in D3.

Put on sunscreen first, and then go for a walk outside a couple of times each week. The sun is our best friend, it is the best source to practice natural ways to boost fertility.

Avoid getting contact with toxin products

In order to get pregnant naturally by using natural ways to boost fertility, sonsuming or contacting with the toxic chemicals can harm yourself and your fertility journey. Many of your everyday products contain bioaccumulative toxins that can create residues that are tracing in our systems indefinitely, causing disease-causing free radical damage and interfering with the body’s natural hormone production, resulting in imbalances and health problems like infertility, heavy periods, thyroid disease, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, and cysts.

Manage stress

Managing stress is the key level to balancing your hormone. When your body becomes too stressed, cortisol level will tell your body to lower your estrogen and progesterone level and prioritize stress response first. As a result, your ovaries cannot over blockage that could cause infertility. 

Exercise more and move regularly

Exercising is another strategy to reduce stress. Physical activities are also beneficial to your general health and hormone wellness. Instead of diving into an aggressive action to lose weight, a low-impact workout might be a fantastic place to start in your daily routine.

Losing weight is a process, immersing your body in proper exercising, training yourself consistently. However, getting too caught up in the beauty trend can lead to sadness in your self-image, increased stress, and poor nutrition.

There is nothing better than getting healthy and practice natural ways to boost fertility.

Transition off the usage of hormonal birth control

If you’re currently trying to conceive, this may seem obvious, but for those of you who are planning on having a baby; you can decrease to stop using chemical birth control because this practice may increase your chances of getting pregnant in the future.

Birth controls have resulted in estrogen and progesterone blockage in your receptors, and as the result, they can disrupt your fertility.

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The Link Between Lung Health and Nerve Growth

Have you ever thought about how the air we breathe affects more than just our lungs? It turns out, your lungs are super important not just for breathing but also for keeping your brain and nerves healthy.

Imagine your body is like a car engine, and oxygen is the fuel that keeps everything running smoothlyWithout enough fuel, things start to break down. Well, the same goes for your bodywithout enough oxygen, your brain and nerves might not work as well as they should. 

Did You Know?

Did you know that just a 1% drop in oxygen saturation can impair cognitive performance by up to 10%? Imagine you’re hiking up a high mountain, where the air is thin and oxygen is scarce. You might experience brain fog and find it hard to think clearly—this is because your brain needs steady supply of oxygen to stay sharp. But it’s not just about high-altitude hikes. Oxygen affects your daily life in surprising ways:

  1. Feeling Dizzy After Standing Up Quickly: Ever stood up too fast and felt lightheaded? This happens because your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen for a moment.

  2. Struggling with Focus During a Tough Workout: If you’re working out intensely and feel like your concentration is slipping, it might be due to lower oxygen levels in your body.

  3. Waking Up Groggy: If you have sleep apnea, you might wake up feeling tired because your body wasn’t getting enough oxygen during the night.

“Inhale and Exhale to Stay Calm”: Ever notice in movies how characters are told to breathe deeply to stay calm? This is because deep breathing helps get more oxygen to your brain, which can help clear your mind and improve focus.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Enough Oxygen?

If your lungs aren’t doing their job properly and your blood isn’t getting enough oxygen, you might face some serious problems:

  1. Fatigue: Feeling tired all the time because your body isn’t getting the energy it needs.

  2. Shortness of Breath: Struggling to breathe easily, even when you’re at rest.

  3. Cognitive Issues: Difficulty concentrating, remembering things, or making decisions.

  4. Headaches: Frequent headaches due to low oxygen levels in the brain.

  5. Mood Changes: Feeling more irritable or down than usual, as oxygen levels affect your mood.

How Lung Health Supports Nerve Growth and Brain Function

Okay, let’s break this down into simpler terms. Think of your lungs as a big air pump. Their job is to take in oxygen from the air and put it into your blood. This oxygen-rich blood travels all over your body, including to your brain and nerves.

  1. Brain Power: Your brain needs a lot of oxygen to think clearly and learn new things. Healthy lungs make sure your brain gets the oxygen it needs to stay sharp.

  2. Nerve Growth: Just like plants need water to grow, your nerves need oxygen to stay healthy and grow. With enough oxygen, your nerves can work properly and repair themselves.

  3. Memory and Learning: Good oxygen levels help you remember things and learn new skills more easily.

Tips to Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Boost Oxygen Delivery

1. Breathing Exercises

What to Do: Try deep breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose, letting your belly expand, and then slowly exhale through your mouth.

Why It Works: Deep breathing helps improve lung capacity and oxygen flow. Aim for 5-10 minutes of deep breathing exercises twice a day.

2.Stay Hydrated

What to Do: Drink plenty of water throughout the day—about 8 glasses (2 liters) daily.

Why It Works: Water helps keep mucus thin and easier to expel, improving lung function.

3.Eat Lung-Friendly Foods

What to Do: Include foods rich in antioxidants, like berriesapples, and leafy greens. Omega-3 rich foods like fish and flaxseeds are also great.

Why It Works: These foods help reduce inflammation and support lung health. Try to eat at least one serving of these foods daily.