Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Introduction Series by Lotus Spring Acupuncture & Wellness Inc.
Fibromyalgia is one such disorder of the muscles, joints, and fibrous tissues that directly affects the body and isn’t hard to miss. Although the pain and intensity levels vary, people often describe it as a state of feeling perpetually sick and a continuing ache or pain throughout their body. Hence, why we share that it’s not hard to mean if you’ve got it or not.
Fibromyalgia affects about 2 to eight percent of the worldwide population and may occur at any age, consistent with a 2014 study published within the Journal of the American Medical Association. It’s more common in women than in men. However, because symptoms of fibromyalgia resemble common, everyday illnesses that would indicate almost anything, people tend to not view them as a symbol of something more serious. So today we would like to travel over the 5 commonest symptoms that would be a beacon, alerting you to get diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Number One: Persistent Widespread Body Pain
This is one of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia. A persistent body ache that’s spreading around 18 specific parts of the body is often the most important red flag of all of them. Patients with fibromyalgia have chronic widespread pain and report about 11 to 18 tender body points, consistent with a 2007 study published within the Journal of Rheumatology. Although the intensity of pain varies from person to person, it’s generally described as shooting muscular pain.
Number Two: Fatigue
Persistent fatigue is another key symptom of fibromyalgia and the second most common. Fatigue among fibromyalgia patients has received less attention than chronic body pain, consistent with a 2013 study published in Arthritis Research and Therapy for fibromyalgia, muscle cramps, and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you are feeling so tired that your body can’t function, the red flag has just been raised. The balance of your body has been skewed and you would like to understand that you simply shouldn’t need to live life at that level of barely functioning.
Number Three: Sleep Disturbances
AS we’ve discussed, fatigue is the number two condition. It won’t come as a surprise that folks with fibromyalgia have trouble falling asleep, and once they do, they need trouble maintaining sound sleep and awakening feeling unrefreshed and low on energy.
With this in mind, you’ll see that non-restorative sleep, thus, is another classic symptom of fibromyalgia. Clinical sleep studies also revealed that fibromyalgia patients report erratic rhythms characteristic of disturbed sleep (according to a 2015 study published in Nature Reviews Rheumatology). In fibromyalgia patients, sleep, bearing the pain and non-restorative sleep combo is a huge trial. On the one hand, pain inhibits sleep, and on the opposite hand lack of sleep increases pain. Therefore, if you’re experiencing this endless cycle, then the flag that’s colored red has now been raised.
Number Four: Headaches
Headaches are a standard symptom, occurring in about half of patients with fibromyalgia, consistent with a 2005 study published in Clinical Rheumatology. Out of 100 fibromyalgia patients, 76 percent reported headaches as a commonly occurring symptom, with 84 percent reporting intense headaches and 63 percent experiencing migraines, the study further notes. Chronic migraines (acute pain within the head, often amid nausea) and chronic tension headaches are hard to inform sometimes if you’ve got fibromyalgia. However, with tons of those other symptoms, it’ll become a beacon that you simply may need fibromyalgia.
Number Five: Depression & Anxiety
Fibromyalgia patients may have a tough time keeping their spirits high. I mean, it’s understandable that your hopes won’t be very high when you’re living a life that’s bringing you physically and mentally down consistently. Interestingly, patients with fibromyalgia are at a significantly higher risk of becoming depressed, and depressed people are at a better risk of developing fibromyalgia, consistent with a 2015 study published within the Journal of Pain.
Depression in fibromyalgia patients poses a significant risk of intensifying other symptoms, as a depressed person will find it harder to deal with other struggles. It can seriously destroy one’s mental well-being and make the individual feel hopeless and sort of prey to the disease. As mentioned in our previous article, the mentality and positive outlook play an enormous part in a person’s health and well-being.
If you are feeling you’ve got any of these symptoms of fibromyalgia, contact us so we can help your diagnosis process and recovery. Our acupuncturist Dan Clark has done wonders to be ready to improve the health and wellness of many people that have fibromyalgia. His goal is to extend the standard of life altogether to his patients. Dan has patients come from several states outside of Utah to ascertain and knowledge and have the results that they need. He’s always welcoming more patients and looking to assist more people.
For more information on how you or a loved one can set up a scheduled appointment please visit our website at or email us at and let us know how we can help. Make sure to also watch out for our next part of the fibromyalgia journey, and how we can help you find more resources and information on your chronic illness.
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If you’re looking to receive effective treatment for ANY health condition, we recommend you start looking for a TCM practitioner in your area. If you’re within the state of Utah, and you have symptoms of fibromyalgia, don’t hesitate to reach out to Lotus Spring Acupuncture & Wellness to receive the best holistic healthcare and acupuncture treatments.
Dan Clark has years of highly specialized training and experience in the field of acupuncture in Utah. With been in business for over 18+ years, we’re the ones who can give you personalized treatment to help you attain your personal health goals.