Fibromyalgia Introduction Series by Lotus Spring Acupuncture & Wellness Inc.
Fibromyalgia temperature sensitivity such as dry and hot weather makes a huge difference in your body’s performance! As temperature changes, the sensitivity levels within the body can really affect those diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Everybody knows that when someone has this type of temperature sensitivity with the weather changing, it can be a really awful experience for people. A lot of fibromyalgia patients can expect a flare-up or even a worsening of their current symptoms when the weather changes. In this article though we’re going to go over the main types of temperatures, how they might be affecting you, and the secrets to finding solutions when overcoming this particular experience of symptoms. The main types of temperatures include; Hot & Dry (Desert), Hot & Moist (Tropical), Cold & Dry (Artic Microbiome), and Cold & Moist (Temperate Rainforest Microbiome).
If you live in a warm and dry climate or if your internal microbiome has become too warm and dry, Life is disbursed and hidden. The human body responds to heat by increasing circulation and by sweating. Too much heat can lead to dehydration and dryness. He generally manifests with red eyes, thirst, and dark urine. It is associated with skin rashes, lesions, and irritability. One of the key signs of heat his information. The word information literally means “on fire”. In the book, “The Fibro Bible,” by Andrew miles, he shares that he wants met a Bedouin man from Egypt. He described that this man shared how his people can survive with a little water: “after a long day in the desert, a man could drink an entire lake. It is not truly his lack of water that interest him; it is the heat. We first drink a tea made of herbs. It cools the inside. After we drink even a small cup of this, we feel relief and a normal amount of water is sufficient.” Bedouin has easily thrived in the areas that kill most, mainly those who don’t know the secrets of the desert. They have discovered how to turn their bodies into a cool garden even when the outside environment is a blistering fiery furnace. Diseases of the desert will enter the body no matter what, but once inside, they cannot survive. When Bedouin’s drink herbal teas, they cool themselves by carrying and oasis within. They realize that their cravings have more to do with the regulation within the body through moisture and temperature than anything else.
If you have too much heat in your microbiome, you can cool it down with plants that have a bitter flavor. These plants tend to have antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties. They killed pathogenic bacteria and reduce inflammation. They also tend to move through the digestive tract faster, which further reduces his body heat. The tea spoken of before can offer the solution. They include Senna Green Tea & Jue Ming Zi Tea, both of which are accessible through our clinic. Plants that are not herbal tea remedies, can include cucumbers, artichokes, melons, cherries, cactus, wild yams, yogurt, Malabar tamarind, pine nuts, bananas, tofu, and most fruits and vegetables.
Whether online or through our clinic, you can also purchase the “The Fibro Bible,” by Andrew miles which will have several directions for recipes and sauces that you can make for these purposes. And as we have always emphasized, if your body is experiencing this temperature sensitivity, then at least now you know your body is a little out of whack and imbalanced in based on your fibromyalgia. Personalized acupuncture, herbal treatments, and Chinese medicinal methods are your chance at a better life. Please don’t hesitate to call our office to schedule your first visit consultation to discuss how we can help you overcome your fibromyalgia.
Other Temperature Sensitivities: