Fibromyalgia Temperature Sensitivity: Hot & Moist (Tropical)

Hot & Moist Temperatures/Climates (Tropical)
Hot & Moist Temperatures/Climates (Tropical)

Fibromyalgia Introduction Series by Lotus Spring Acupuncture & Wellness Inc.

Fibromyalgia Temperature Sensitivity can include a wide variety of weather types such as Hot & Moist. If you live in a moist and warm environment, and your internal Microbeam has become to trap call, what happens inside the body is what is called “damp fire” in Chinese medicine. When people have food retention, it leaves piles of debris behind. When your gut gets too moist and compact, it creates conditions similar to a compost fire. While people don’t tend to catch fire, they can get a low-grade fever and chronic inflammation that is associated with a host of chronic diseases.

Hot and humid climates grow mold. To prevent your body from getting a fungal overgrowth, you need to improve water metabolism. When water sits in the space outside of your cells at 98.6°F, pathogenic microbes begins to proliferate. Your body will try to kill them off through your inflammatory response. This can give you a low-grade fever of unknown origin. Many people with chronic low fever are actually in a slow state of composting and the body is fighting in vain to stop it. Although exercise can help, the body is sodium potassium pumps are already overloaded, so exercise will tend to make people feel tired. The increased inflammatory reaction in the body also makes it easier for joints to ache. This further immobilize people and keeps them from exercising. The majority of modern people have an excess of dampness and heat which can contribute to type to fibromyalgia pain.

When it comes to dampness and heat in the body, the most important strategy is to drain off the extra water. Reducing water retention is used through bitter and bland foods to increase urination. To land flavor, use pungent foods to increase sweating and further dry the body. Generally, you want to enjoy a few were salty, sour, and sweet foods. Instead introduce more foods which are bitter, sour and slightly pregnant. Some examples could include ginger, garlic, sauerkraut, and kimchi. The goal is to still keep your body balanced and functioning as possible. Activities to increase sweating, urination, and defecation can be beneficial. Sauna, getting appropriate sunlight, and stomach massages are also great activities that can increase your body’s balance and health.

Fibromyalgia temperature sensitivity to hot & moist climates can take a toll on your body. Like we shared before the nervous system is being affected during these after-effects. One of the areas that it responds to the digestive tract. So some of the plants that will want to ingest to be able to help create a solution for this would include those that stay dry and avoid writing. Vegetables and other appropriate spices could include; watercress, cocktails, rice, water pepper, water spinach, wasabi, lettuce, water chestnuts, taro, Chinese water chestnut, Peter Greene, mushrooms, pearl barley, Job’s tears, rye, bitter melon, and winter melons.

Mushrooms are among the most plateable better foods. There are also some of the most useful for maintaining a balanced microbiome. Mushrooms break things down. That’s what they do for a living. Not just leftovers in the fridge, but toxic waste, oil sludge, and radioactive materials. Mushrooms and fungi are being used to repair damaged ecosystems and renew polluted environments through a process called mycoremediation.

In conclusion, Andrew Miles shares in his book “the Fibro Bible,” that world-renowned microbiologist Paul Stamets explains that “fungi recycled plants after they die and transform them into rich soil. If not for mushrooms and fungi, the earth would be buried in several feet of debris, and life on the planet with soon disappear.” As we have always emphasized, if your body is experiencing these temperature sensitivities, then at least now you know your body is a little out of whack and imbalanced based on your fibromyalgia. Personalized acupuncture, herbal treatments, and Chinese medicinal methods are your chance at a better life. Please don’t hesitate to call our office to schedule your first visit consultation to discuss how we can help you overcome your fibromyalgia.

Other Temperature Sensitivities:


Lotus Spring Acupuncture and Wellness Inc., the best restorative acupuncture clinic in American Fork, UT, USA is dedicated to providing valuable information about Traditional Chinese Medicine’s solutions to Naturally  Restore Lungs Function.

The Link Between Lung Health and Nerve Growth

Have you ever thought about how the air we breathe affects more than just our lungs? It turns out, your lungs are super important not just for breathing but also for keeping your brain and nerves healthy.

Imagine your body is like a car engine, and oxygen is the fuel that keeps everything running smoothlyWithout enough fuel, things start to break down. Well, the same goes for your bodywithout enough oxygen, your brain and nerves might not work as well as they should. 

Did You Know?

Did you know that just a 1% drop in oxygen saturation can impair cognitive performance by up to 10%? Imagine you’re hiking up a high mountain, where the air is thin and oxygen is scarce. You might experience brain fog and find it hard to think clearly—this is because your brain needs steady supply of oxygen to stay sharp. But it’s not just about high-altitude hikes. Oxygen affects your daily life in surprising ways:

  1. Feeling Dizzy After Standing Up Quickly: Ever stood up too fast and felt lightheaded? This happens because your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen for a moment.

  2. Struggling with Focus During a Tough Workout: If you’re working out intensely and feel like your concentration is slipping, it might be due to lower oxygen levels in your body.

  3. Waking Up Groggy: If you have sleep apnea, you might wake up feeling tired because your body wasn’t getting enough oxygen during the night.

“Inhale and Exhale to Stay Calm”: Ever notice in movies how characters are told to breathe deeply to stay calm? This is because deep breathing helps get more oxygen to your brain, which can help clear your mind and improve focus.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Enough Oxygen?

If your lungs aren’t doing their job properly and your blood isn’t getting enough oxygen, you might face some serious problems:

  1. Fatigue: Feeling tired all the time because your body isn’t getting the energy it needs.

  2. Shortness of Breath: Struggling to breathe easily, even when you’re at rest.

  3. Cognitive Issues: Difficulty concentrating, remembering things, or making decisions.

  4. Headaches: Frequent headaches due to low oxygen levels in the brain.

  5. Mood Changes: Feeling more irritable or down than usual, as oxygen levels affect your mood.

How Lung Health Supports Nerve Growth and Brain Function

Okay, let’s break this down into simpler terms. Think of your lungs as a big air pump. Their job is to take in oxygen from the air and put it into your blood. This oxygen-rich blood travels all over your body, including to your brain and nerves.

  1. Brain Power: Your brain needs a lot of oxygen to think clearly and learn new things. Healthy lungs make sure your brain gets the oxygen it needs to stay sharp.

  2. Nerve Growth: Just like plants need water to grow, your nerves need oxygen to stay healthy and grow. With enough oxygen, your nerves can work properly and repair themselves.

  3. Memory and Learning: Good oxygen levels help you remember things and learn new skills more easily.

Tips to Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Boost Oxygen Delivery

1. Breathing Exercises

What to Do: Try deep breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose, letting your belly expand, and then slowly exhale through your mouth.

Why It Works: Deep breathing helps improve lung capacity and oxygen flow. Aim for 5-10 minutes of deep breathing exercises twice a day.

2.Stay Hydrated

What to Do: Drink plenty of water throughout the day—about 8 glasses (2 liters) daily.

Why It Works: Water helps keep mucus thin and easier to expel, improving lung function.

3.Eat Lung-Friendly Foods

What to Do: Include foods rich in antioxidants, like berriesapples, and leafy greens. Omega-3 rich foods like fish and flaxseeds are also great.

Why It Works: These foods help reduce inflammation and support lung health. Try to eat at least one serving of these foods daily.