National Drug Take-Back Day (Apr. 25)

Otherwise known as “National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day,” National Drug Take-Back Day on April 25 is sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Its goal is to keep the public aware of the dangers of prescription drug use and misuse. Many Americans don’t know how to safely dispose of the prescription drugs that have been sitting in the medicine cabinet past their prime. Using these expired drugs, or using someone else’s, is dangerous and puts both the public and the environment at risk.

With the FDA Act of 1988, the FDA joined the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct research, enforce laws, educate the public, and provide information on drug abuse and current drug policy. In 2005, The Drug Safety Board focused on issues around drug safety, formed as a collaboration between public and private entities. It is always best to be aware and prepared for yourself, your family, and close friends that you can help educate if the time ever arises. In this article, you’ll learn why this day is so important, how to observe the day for yourself, and 5 urgent facts about prescription drugs.

Why Is This Day So Important?

National Drug Take-Back Day actually occurs every six months. The DEA started this campaign so the public would understand how important it is for prescription drugs to be disposed of safely. This way the prescription drugs won’t fall into the wrong hands. Illegal drugs and paraphernalia (as well as inhalers and blood test strips) aren’t part of the campaign. When prescription drugs are disposed of improperly, it puts us all potentially in harm’s way.

This day really is focused on teaching the correct methods of disposal for prescription drugs.

Never flush expired prescription drugs down the sink or toilet unless the label on the bottle says so. In most cases, you need to locate a DEA-approved facility or do it safely yourself. If you’d like to learn how you can properly dispose of them yourself, then make sure to keep reading!

This day is to essentially help communities stay safe. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 6.4 million Americans abused controlled prescription drugs. Many of these drugs were snatched from a friend or family member’s medicine cabinet. The DEA considers medications that fall into the wrong hands a safety and environmental issue affecting all of us. That’s why National Drug Take-Back Day urges the proper disposal of prescription drugs — and, hopefully, saves lives.

Take Action Today!

When it comes to how you can play your part on this day, we’ve got a couple of recommendations! Firt of all, do the right thing. Deliver your expired or suspect prescription drugs to a DEA-authorized location. Whether it’s a pharmacy or a national chain drop-off site, a clearly marked area with authorized representatives will accept your prescription drugs between 10 am and 2 pm, local time. If you have questions, log onto the DEA’s website where there’s a ton of information about the campaign.

 If you’re tight on time, here is the proper way you can do it yourself! Make sure to follow the instructions exactly.


1. Remove the drugs from the bottle and mix them in with dirt, used coffee grounds, kitty litter, or something similar.

2. Then, place the drugs in a sealable bag and chuck them into the garbage can. If you’re still unsure, ask your friendly neighborhood pharmacist for advice.

Another way you can play your part is to find a drug treatment center. If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid or prescription drug addiction, take that first step to find a treatment center on National Drug Take-Back Day. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a therapeutic option that combines behavioral therapies with medications to heal the patient holistically. Drugs like methadone and buprenorphine are being successfully integrated into treatment plans.

Lastly, visit the DEA’s Partnership Toolbox. Be a leader in the fight against prescription drug abuse. Go to the DEA’s website and download their Partnership Toolbox. You’ll find downloadable posters, treatment locations, and so much more to help spread the word and help others take action.

Five Urgent Facts About Prescription Drug Abuse

It’s a killer – More people die from prescription drug abuse than traffic accidents, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

It will hospitalize you – About 120,000 Americans land in the hospital each year after overdosing on painkillers.

It hits hard in rural areas – ​American rural areas suffer the highest loss of life due to prescription painkiller overdoses.

It leads the way in fatalities – ​Legally prescribed pain pills are now the number one cause of fatal overdoses according to the CDC.

It affects our teenagers – A whopping 70 percent of teens who abuse prescription drugs include lots of reasons for doing so —including the need to relax and peer pressure; amazingly, some teens don’t even know why they started abusing the drugs in the first place.

Look To Natural & Traditional Methods For Relief

Studies have shown that Chinese Medicine can reduce the craving for cigarettes and other addictive substances and the World Health Organisation has agreed that Acupuncture has a therapeutic effect on the dependence on tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and opium*.

According to CM theory, Chinese Medicine treats the withdrawal symptoms caused by addictions and reduces cravings. Acupuncture and Herbs are used according to Chinese Medicine theory to stimulate detoxification, promote a heightened sense of relaxation, encourage endorphin production in order to overcome addiction, help the body cope with stress, improve circulation and promote mental wellbeing.

The length of treatment depends on the patient’s response and on the severity and duration of the addiction. Drug addiction has also been shown to benefit from Chinese medical treatment. Treatment for addiction can be effective only if the patient is determined to change. Please note that although we are confident in our treatments, we cannot guarantee a cessation of addiction as the needs and difficulties of each patient can differ greatly.

In almost all circumstances, we’d always recommend getting help from Holistic Healthcare providers to find relief, recovery, or assistance in whatever health goals you may have. We have a personalized program for each individual that walks into our clinic and always treats the targeted problem and not just your symptoms. We suggest this because it’s all-natural and not addictive! The body has amazing properties and mechanics within itself that can lead to a much more effective recovery process. With the best and natural assistance, you’ll see incredible results with your treatment here at Lotus Spring Acupuncture & Wellness Inc.

Lotus Spring Acupuncture and Wellness Inc., the best restorative acupuncture clinic in American Fork, UT, USA is dedicated to providing valuable information about Traditional Chinese Medicine’s solutions to Naturally  Restore Lungs Function.

The Link Between Lung Health and Nerve Growth

Have you ever thought about how the air we breathe affects more than just our lungs? It turns out, your lungs are super important not just for breathing but also for keeping your brain and nerves healthy.

Imagine your body is like a car engine, and oxygen is the fuel that keeps everything running smoothlyWithout enough fuel, things start to break down. Well, the same goes for your bodywithout enough oxygen, your brain and nerves might not work as well as they should. 

Did You Know?

Did you know that just a 1% drop in oxygen saturation can impair cognitive performance by up to 10%? Imagine you’re hiking up a high mountain, where the air is thin and oxygen is scarce. You might experience brain fog and find it hard to think clearly—this is because your brain needs steady supply of oxygen to stay sharp. But it’s not just about high-altitude hikes. Oxygen affects your daily life in surprising ways:

  1. Feeling Dizzy After Standing Up Quickly: Ever stood up too fast and felt lightheaded? This happens because your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen for a moment.

  2. Struggling with Focus During a Tough Workout: If you’re working out intensely and feel like your concentration is slipping, it might be due to lower oxygen levels in your body.

  3. Waking Up Groggy: If you have sleep apnea, you might wake up feeling tired because your body wasn’t getting enough oxygen during the night.

“Inhale and Exhale to Stay Calm”: Ever notice in movies how characters are told to breathe deeply to stay calm? This is because deep breathing helps get more oxygen to your brain, which can help clear your mind and improve focus.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Enough Oxygen?

If your lungs aren’t doing their job properly and your blood isn’t getting enough oxygen, you might face some serious problems:

  1. Fatigue: Feeling tired all the time because your body isn’t getting the energy it needs.

  2. Shortness of Breath: Struggling to breathe easily, even when you’re at rest.

  3. Cognitive Issues: Difficulty concentrating, remembering things, or making decisions.

  4. Headaches: Frequent headaches due to low oxygen levels in the brain.

  5. Mood Changes: Feeling more irritable or down than usual, as oxygen levels affect your mood.

How Lung Health Supports Nerve Growth and Brain Function

Okay, let’s break this down into simpler terms. Think of your lungs as a big air pump. Their job is to take in oxygen from the air and put it into your blood. This oxygen-rich blood travels all over your body, including to your brain and nerves.

  1. Brain Power: Your brain needs a lot of oxygen to think clearly and learn new things. Healthy lungs make sure your brain gets the oxygen it needs to stay sharp.

  2. Nerve Growth: Just like plants need water to grow, your nerves need oxygen to stay healthy and grow. With enough oxygen, your nerves can work properly and repair themselves.

  3. Memory and Learning: Good oxygen levels help you remember things and learn new skills more easily.

Tips to Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Boost Oxygen Delivery

1. Breathing Exercises

What to Do: Try deep breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose, letting your belly expand, and then slowly exhale through your mouth.

Why It Works: Deep breathing helps improve lung capacity and oxygen flow. Aim for 5-10 minutes of deep breathing exercises twice a day.

2.Stay Hydrated

What to Do: Drink plenty of water throughout the day—about 8 glasses (2 liters) daily.

Why It Works: Water helps keep mucus thin and easier to expel, improving lung function.

3.Eat Lung-Friendly Foods

What to Do: Include foods rich in antioxidants, like berriesapples, and leafy greens. Omega-3 rich foods like fish and flaxseeds are also great.

Why It Works: These foods help reduce inflammation and support lung health. Try to eat at least one serving of these foods daily.