Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

From time to time, we sometimes obtain information about a few sources about our users. We use our cookies related technology to improve a variety of different conditions for our website for example:


Usage tracking. We use pixels, cookies and related tracking technology to measure the performance of our marketing efforts and how to utilize our services. For example, tracking opens and clicks in our emails to you.


Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics for Display advertising. This helps know how users are arriving at our site. Gives insights into the characteristic of our users including behavior of the user’s time on website, device usage, and demographics.


Performance and Functionality. Our website requires these cookies in order to fully utilize our services, login to secure areas, and amount time users time spent on website.


Facebook insights. We have information about how many users are following and unfollowing our page. We receive other sources including demographics such as age, gender, device information, location such as city/state, online behavior information about use of social media websites, page view information, search results and links.


Purpose of Using this Information:

With this information we use this data to adjust content and advertising based of the data in order to provide social media features, and to analyze to our website/ Facebook page. This allows us to maximize our website by giving our users the best possible experience.

Privacy to contact information. With statistical information gathered through social media platforms for the purpose of maximized demographic outreach, we verify that the information will be protected and not used for profitable gain. In addition to our cookies our marketing department may use third party usage to gain additional statics about personal or contact information. Examples of third party sources are Qualtrics, google forms, and more.